Mini globe made with acrylic sphere, Ø 12 cm, hand-coated, stainless steel mounting.
The earth in its most natural state - topography and vegetation without any human footprint: The DUORAMA's ground-vegetation map reveals a vivid view of the earth. Ocean depths or high mountain ranges, desert landscapes or forest areas, the finely hand-drawn relief shading conveys a three-dimensional impression down to the dark depths of the sea. Tropics or tundra - the earth in pure splendor.
The most dangerous of all world views is the world view of people who have not looked at the world, Alexander von Humboldt once said. With the COLUMBUS MINI Globes, the world effortlessly fits in your hand, yet their maps convey a maximum of cartographical information. A complex 120 halftone printing process ensures that even the smallest writings are crystal clear and sharply depicted. Hand-coated map segments guarantee the highest precision in the entire product. The result: A world view to go.
The steadfast detail: A globe needs a firm hold to unfold its full appeal. The MINI globe rests securely on a matted stainless steel base and rotates in a stainless steel meridian.
globe: | non-illuminated |
Map non-illuminated: | vegetation geographical |
Diameter: | 4.72 inch / 12 cm |
Model: | handcrafted, acrylic glass |
Inscriptions - ca.: | 227 |
Meridian/ Base: | Meridian and base stainless steel |
OID compatible: | OID compatible, depending on model |
Height: | ca. 15 cm |

Diese Art der Aufbringung wird bei den Kartenbildern DUO™ -, DUORAMA™ , ROYAL™, DUO ALBA™, BLACK SERIES™, IMPERIAL™ und DUO AZZURRO™angewendet.
Das Kartenbild wird im Offset-Druckverfahren auf speziellem Papier gedruckt.
Es besticht durch brillante Farben kombiniert mit höchster Detailtreue.
Die hochfeine Auflösung bewirkt, dass der Rasterpunkt für das menschliche Auge so gut wie nicht mehr sichtbar ist.
Hinweis für Fachleute: Columbus Globen werden mit einem 90er Raster gedruckt, während im Wettbewerb in der Regel ein 60er Raster verwendet wird.

The maps are produced by using the offset printing method on special paper that impresses with brilliant colors and high details.
Due to the high resolution, it is almost impossible to notice the grid point with the human eye.
For experts: A 90 point grid is used for our Columbus globes which distinguishes them from competing products which are usually produced by using a 60 point grid technique.